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Thursday, 30 September 2010

All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.-Ralph Waldo Emerson quote
"I can't believe that God put us on this Earth to be ordinary" ~Lou Holtz quote
15 Odd Uses For Vinegar.
@HD Learning New things all the Time.
15 Odd Uses For Vinegar

15 Odd Uses For Vinegar

Learning New things all the Time

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15 Odd Uses For Vinegar

Here are some strange and wonderful uses for this everyday pantry staple.
id you know vinegar can:
Did you know vinegar can:
1. Help You Lose Weight
By drinking a mixture of one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water, with a bit of honey added for flavor, you can effectively control your appetite for several hours.

2. Prevent Static Cling Without Dryer Sheets
To prevent static cling, add one cup vinegar to each wash load. Now you can give up costly dryer sheets forever.

3. Remove Chewing Gum That’s Stuck In Your Hair
Put ice on the gum to freeze it, then saturate the area that has the gum on it with vinegar. The rest of the gum will actually dissolve, and you can slide it off your hair. If the vinegar is heated first the process will work faster even.  This same process will work on furniture or clothes, too.

4. Grow Beautiful Azaleas
Occasionally water plants with a mixture of two tablespoons vinegar to one quart water. The vinegar increases the soil acidity — Azaleas love acidic soil.

5. Freshen A Room
An open dish of white distilled vinegar will help remove unpleasant smells like paint or fish odors from a room.

6. Soothe A Sore Throat with a mixture of apple cider vinegar, water and honey.

7. Stop Athlete’s Foot by soaking your feet in white distilled vinegar.

8. Stop The Hiccups by drinking a teaspoon of white distilled vinegar.

9. Extend The Life Of Your Pantyhose
Rinse your hose with water containing 1 tablespoon of white distilled vinegar, and they’ll last longer.

10. Clean The Dishwasher
Run a cup of vinegar through the whole cycle once a month to reduce soap build up on the inner mechanisms and on glassware.

11. Clean And Restore Leather Goods by rubbing a cotton ball or cloth soaked in vinegar over them.  The vinegar will remove salt, dirt and stains while bringing back shine.  And don’t worry about the smell.  Once dry, vinegar has no odor.

12. Prolong And Brighten Propane Lanterns
Soak new wicks for several hours in white vinegar and let them dry before inserting. Propane lanterns will burn longer and brighter on the same amount of fuel.

13. Remove Decals, Bumper Stickers And Price Tags
Soak a cloth in vinegar and cover the decal or bumper sticker for several minutes until the vinegar soaks in. The decals and bumper stickers should peel off easily.

14. Clear Mineral Deposits From Your Steam Iron
Fill the water tank with white vinegar. Turn the iron to the steam setting and steam-iron a soft cloth to clean the steam ports. Repeat the process with water, then thoroughly rinse out the inside of your iron.

15. Make A Rubber Chicken Bone
This is possibly my favorite way to use vinegar, mostly because it freaks people out.  Soak a chicken bone in vinegar for several days and it will become rubbery and pliable. Perfect for scaring someone at your upcoming Halloween Bash.

These are just a few of the wonderful uses for this everyday product that you probably have in your pantry.  You can find more ways to use vinegar in Great Uses For Vinegar by TipKing

“If you think your boss is stupid remember; you wouldn't have a job if he was smarter” ~Unkown quote
Why Your Company Needs Social Media: Sales, Retention & Customer Service.
(remark) You will be Crazy not to be there as Social Media is where your Customers are.

5 Free Twitter Tools For Smarter Tweeting

You need to Smarten Up as Tweeting is Time Consuming

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5 Free Twitter Tools For Smarter Tweeting

At first, I didn’t get the purpose of Twitter. I kept hearing about its rising popularity and just couldn’t understand why “Shannon ate toast and jelly this morning” could be intriguing or newsworthy on any level. However, after months of being inundated with the “Do you Tweet?” question from friends, family and strangers alike, I finally succumbed to peer pressure and set up my Twitter account.

Being so skeptical at first, you can imagine my surprise when I discovered that Twitter, in fact, can be a powerful tool for promoting your business. So, now that I am a happy daily Twitter Tweeter, I have learned some tasty tidbits that I’d like to share.

(1) Posting Tweets to multiple social networks

One of the first things I learned when I became a freelance writer is: there is no such thing as too many social networks. The problem with keeping up with all these sites is that it can be exhausting and time-consuming. Fortunately, now we have to link all these sites so your tweet can get maximum exposure.


Getting set up on is simple. All you need is an email address and password and you are in business. Next, follow a few simple directions on choosing and setting up your social networks, and VOILA, your tweets will be transmitted to 39 top social networking sites. (Who knew there were that many?)

Mark O’Neill covers in-depth here.

(2) Scheduling An Automated Message to Twitter

Getting too busy to tweet? No problem. Spend an hour planning your tweets in advance and your followers will never know the difference.

There are actually a number of sites completely dedicated to setting up pre-scheduled tweets, but my recommendation is This site offers a totally free scheduling service, complete with the ability to pre-schedule automated messages to twitter, set up recurring tweets, and turn tweet text upside down and backwards (I got nuthin’).


(3) Tracking Tweets by Territory

Want to know where the tweets on your stream are coming from? Well, Twittearth will display tweets and their locations in the form of cute little text balloons floating over a rotating 3D globe (think Google Earth). It’s actually quite mesmerizing, kind of like watching an aquarium.


(4) How does your Tweet rank?

It’s a harsh reality that Twitter is, in fact, a popularity contest. If you want to be noticed, you have to make sure your tweets are getting maximum exposure. This comes in the form of followers, shout outs and retweets. If you have this kind of exposure then it is actually possible for your Twitter page to show up on a search engine – which is a dream come true for those trying to promote their own business.


Twinfluence is a statistical site which analyzes your Twitter popularity by rank and percentile. There are a number of other graphs and charts based on other criterias as well. If you like stats, this is your gig.

James Rogers discusses Twinfluence as well as others tools for tweeting here.

(5) Automatically send your blog updates to Twitter

Did you just finish a blog that you think your readers will be excited about? Try Twitterfeed. Twitterfeed will link to your blog and send an update to Twitter every time your RSS feed gets updated.


Learn more about Twitterfeed here.

With the ever increasing popularity of Twitter, there are new tools created constantly. If you are going to be on Twitter, why not maximize its benefit with these totally free applications?

Oh and now you can follow MakeUseOf on Twitter too.

Find these tools interesting? What do you use Twitter for? Let me know in the comments.

For more Twitter ideas, check out these links:

7 Tools to Integrate Twitter with your Wordpress Blog
Tools, Apps and Bots to Improve Your Twitter Experience
4 Tools for More Productive Twittering


Top10 adroit Web Services to Easily Schedule Future Tweets

hese is very important as research has shown that 90% of retweet only happen in the first 60 minuets

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10 adroit Web Services to Easily Schedule Future Tweets

Twitter is one of the most popular platform where people love to share their daily life activities and new things. Even for many people twitter is an important part of their life and tweeting is their hobby. There are many small events and activities that occur on some fixed dates like birthdays, anniversaries etc where we would like to wish the concerned person with a tweet. More importantly Twitter serves as an important platform for bloggers to share their web links and get exposure but it is always not possible to remain online and keep retweeting the same link manually through out the day. In these situations the best way is to schedule or automate your tweets, so that you never miss any event. After scheduling tweets you can sit back and relax. Here is a list of services that will allow you to Schedule or automate future tweets.

AutoPilot Tweet

Autopilot Tweet is a tweeter marketing tool that helps you to schedule tweets easily . You can also automate replies, direct messages, follow and unfollow features.


Socialoomph provides a complete suit for simple management of social media. It offers many services that are not free but the tweeter features like scheduling tweets, track keywords, follow those who follow you etc are free.

Tycoon Scheduler

Tycoon Scheduler allows you to schedule unlimited future tweets, flip/reverse tweets, add icons to tweets and many more. You can also schedule tweets to re-occur on a daily basis. It also provides options to submit live tweets.


TwittOn Time

TwittOn Time Provides none of the other additional features but you can schedule tweets easily. It does not require any registration, just login with your twitter account and schedule your tweets.


HootSuite is a twitter management tool that helps to schedule tweets, manage multiple accounts, get visualized tracking of your twitter activity and get your own personalized twitter view.

Auto Tweeter

Auto Tweeter is a desktop client, it is not totally free to use but provides an unlimited trial period with very less features restricted. Still the basic functionality of scheduling tweets is available.


Twuffer allows you to schedule tweets for specific time or you may also set up tweet schedules hourly, weakly or daily basis.


Dynamic Tweets

Dynamic Tweets allows to schedule tweets, set reminders, marketing campaigns and press/media announcement services.

Any of the above services can be used for simple tweet scheduling, if you want to use a desktop client Auto tweeter can be a good option. Other than this HootSuite and twaitter too provide good service.


Wednesday, 29 September 2010

50 Beautiful Long Exposure Photos

Study: iPhone grippers have more sex than Android clutchers

What has sex to to with I Phone

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Study: iPhone grippers have more sex than Android clutchers

Droid Doesn't. Or it could be that Droid Won't. Or even Can't.

But the statistical evidence is clear. The numbers do not claim to have been working late at the office. They merely expose a suspicion that has been harbored by many in the bars and bordellos of our nation.

Yes, in a deep and sonorous study by the dating site OkCupid, there seems to be no doubt:
iPhone owners have more sex than BlackBerry owners and a lot more sex than the worthy, solemn, dedicated purchasers of Android phones.

The numbers for women might leave some readers breathless--as they rush to their local Apple store to buy an iPhone.

For this analysis of 30-year-olds with smartphones suggested that women with iPhones had an average of 12.3 sexual partners (I am sure the 0.3 knows exactly who he is), while their age-equivalents who had opted to put an Android into their purse scored a mere 6.1.

(It was 8.8 for the BlackBerry owners, but some might feel these more businessy types would most likely be having sex while still on their BlackBerrys, so that hardly counts.)

For men, the disparity was only slightly more narrow, which perhaps merely reflected a proportionate reduction in the width of their minds. Interestingly, though, Android-owning men seem to have exactly the same amount of sex as Android-owning women. This might suggest a mutual focus on more important things. Like reruns of Battlestar Galactica and Benny Hill.

OkCupid's calculations also offered that the sexual attraction that seems clearly to be offered by the Apple logo stretches to all ages. Android owners from 18-40 seem to consistently droop into relative sexless oblivion by comparison.

Because I know readers are highly intelligent and espouse all smartphones--some being so bold as to have one of each--might I explain how OkCupid concocted its findings.

No, let the OkCupid blog explain: "We crossed all kinds of user behaviors with the camera models and found we had data on the number of sexual partners for 9,785 people with smart phones. We dropped what we found into Excel, and voila."

Voila, indeed. OkCupid worked out who used what smartphone camera for their profile pictures and then trawled through the data to see who had answered such lovely questionnaires like "The Dating Persona Test" (yes, you are sure to be one of 32 dating personalities) and "The Slut Test" (all you have to do is click the button that reads "I...I can't say no." Really.)

I wouldn't dream of suggesting that, perhaps, both sexes lie about how many sexual partners they have really had. Most of my female friends tell me they have had four or five, while most of my male friends say they have four or five figures. My research shows, however, that men and women use entirely different numbers when asked the question in alternative situations.

There will be those who believe that the iPhone makes them look and feel sexier. Others will claim that only sexy people purchase an iPhone in the first place.

These findings might also suggest, though, that Android owners enjoy more stable relationships--you can still have a vast amount of sex with fewer people--while iPhone owners need constant gratification from a new and fleeting sexual partner.

However, for those insecure Android owners who don't feel they can easily give back their phones, OkCupid offers some technological suggestions on its blog to at least make themselves appear more attractive in their profile pictures.

The site analyzed which cameras bring the best out of what you have. If you want the most alluring profile picture, please use a sophisticated camera. OkCupid's analysis suggested that those who think phone pictures are good enough might not quite understand the laws of physical attraction. (iPhone owners might be exempt from this analysis, as it could be that mere ownership conveys deep allure.)

One can only conclude, though, that to be sure of being more attractive and having more sex, you should immediately avail yourself of both an iPhone 4 and a Panasonic Micro 4/3s camera. I know that these two purchases will set you back more than $1,000 for the pair, but surely it has to be worth it.

If you don't have sex on a regular, varied, and satisfying basis, what can you possibly talk about at work?


"If you are ever conflicted about being kind or being right, choose being kind." Immaculee truth throughtheriverbook quote
A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. – John C. Maxwell quote
Actually, I’m an overnight success. But it took twenty years. – Monty Hall quote
"When you know that you have done all that is possible with love in any situation, the problem is no longer yours". - quote
Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart. - Anne Frank quote wisdom
If you focus on the top, good things fall to the bottom. quote
The road to success is lined with many tempting parking spaces. - Traditional Proverb
All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.-Ralph Waldo Emerson quote
You can now make solar panels at home.
Power your home for a fraction of retail cost.
Stop throwing money out the window
"Above all Life should be fun!" "Take time for some Fun in Your Life Today!" ~ Barbara Olson quote
Four leadership myths

Four leadership myths

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Four leadership myths

  1. Everyone can be a leader – no they can’t
  1. Leaders deliver better results – not always
  1. People who get to the top are leaders – not necessarily
  1. Leaders are great coaches – rarely

Small Business News: Social Media Survival Guide

Small Business News: Social Media Survival Guide

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Small Business News: Social Media Survival Guide

Why being social can be a matter of survival. Drawing from a small business social community, this post looks at the ways in which social interaction is an absolute necessity for businesses today. It is especially necessary for small businesses attempting to leverage the power of the Internet to build their brands.

Social media will help your evangelism. This wonderful post about turning your prospects and customers into apostles and evangelists spreading the good news of your product or service certainly doesn’t require the Internet, but it certainly requires a good deal of social networking and of understanding how social groups interact. And while all of this can be done in the face-to-face world, social media sure would make letter D work a whole lot smoother. Michael G. Holmes

social. They allow interaction through comment sections and are a major part of the Web 2.0 interactive world. But these days when we use the phrase “social media,” we’re often talking
Get social with your blog. OK, we know what you’re going to say. Blogs are already social. They allow interaction through comment sections and are a major part of the Web 2.0 interactive world. But these days when we use the phrase “social media,” we’re often talking about the Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn universes these days. And that’s exactly what Bryan Wong suggests in the new generation of blog marketing. Earn Money From Home Blog

How can social media help you with your sales. What’s the best use of social media in sales efforts in your business. Well, believe it or not, the best use of social media in your sales campaigns are certainly not to push or even to promote or talk about your products or services. Instead, Daivd Brock suggests the best use for social media in your sales effort is listening. You heard right. Read more. Partners in Excellence

Is your social media message consistant? Sure everything in your business should be consistant and this goes for your social media efforts too. Remember your company message, mantra or motto. It’s important not only that this company message is repeated everywhere on your Web presence but that your social media efforts reflect the same. Joe Knowz


Study: Asia tweets the most

Study: Asia tweets the most

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Study: Asia tweets the most

Twitter may be an American companies, but it’s actually Southeast Asia accounting for the most tweets of any region, according to a recent Semiocast study. While Americans accounted for a quarter of tracked tweets, Asia takes the cake with 37 percent of all tweets—up 31.5 percent from just three months ago.

Meanwhile, Europe accounts for 14 percent of tweets, Africa 1.5 percent, and Oceania 1.5 percent.


Tuesday, 28 September 2010

"On your journey to your dream, be ready to face oasis & deserts. In both cases, don't stop" ~@PauloCoelho quote
US Frees Unused Airwaves For 'Super WI-FI' Technology (#BBC)
Faith is to believe what we do not see; & the reward of this faith is to see what we believe ~Saint Augustine quote
"Superior men are modest in speech but exceed in actions" ~Confucius quote

I don't think there's such a thing as failure. To me, failure is just a necessary step to achieve a goal ~Phil Keoghan quote

I don't think there's such a thing as failure. To me, failure is just a necessary step to achieve a goal ~Phil Keoghan quote
Can the Sahara light up Europe with solar power?
These is a good use of the Sahara desert
What’s Your College Degree Worth?
Most Successful Business Owners are Not Degree Holdersh ttp://
What's Your College Degree Worth?

What's Your College Degree Worth?

Most Successful Business Owners are Not Degree Holders

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What's Your College Degree Worth?

Top Schools by State

By Louis Lavelle

Top Schools by State

To make an informed decision about college, it helps to know what the future holds in store. Few prospective students and their parents have that kind of crystal ball, but if they're reading this, they have the next best thing: a detailed look at the return on investment that graduates of more than 500 U.S. colleges and universities realized over the past 30 years. It won't predict how much grads will earn 30 years from now, but it does provide a rough benchmark to begin assessing the relative payback of different undergraduate degrees.

ROI is a function of two things: how much one spends getting a degree, and how much graduates earn. PayScale, which collects pay information from individuals who use its online pay comparison tools, examined a huge database of 1.4 million pay reports and information on college costs. It then determined how much graduates of each school earned (after deducting the cost of their degrees) above the typical pay for a high school graduate over the same period. In a very real sense, this is what a college degree from each institution is "worth" in dollars and cents. Some schools are bargains, other schools less so—and not always the ones you would think.

Unlike most other rankings, this one takes into account each school's six-year graduation rate, providing a more accurate way of assessing a school's ROI. For example, graduates of the Georgia Institute of Technology and the University of Notre Dame, after repaying the investment in their respective degrees, both earn almost exactly the same amount over 30 years: about $1.4 million more than a typical high school graduate. But only if you graduate. Notre Dame graduates 96 percent of its students, while Georgia Tech graduates just 77 percent. The result: Georgia Tech's 30-year ROI is far less than Notre Dame's, a still-decent $1.1 million.

What follows is a state-by-state breakdown of the schools with the best ROI, regardless of cost. The competition for the top spot in some states was particularly tough. Stanford was a runner-up in California, Columbia was a third-place finisher in New York, and in Massachusetts, Harvard played second fiddle to MIT. For students in those states, there is a true embarrassment of riches.

Note: Each slide features the top-ranked school from each state. The ranking is based on self-reported pay data obtained through online pay comparison tools; on average, pay reports from about 1,000 individuals were used in the net return calculations. Total cost is the cost of obtaining an undergraduate degree from the featured school in 2009; it does not factor in financial aid and may include up to six years of tuition, fees, room and board, books, and other expenses, depending on how long it takes most students to graduate. The graduation rate shown is a six-year rate for the cohort entering in the fall of 2002. The 30-Year Net Return on Investment is in 2010 dollars and represents the average earnings of a graduate (over and above those of a high school graduate) after deducting the cost of the degree and adjusting for the school's graduation rate. The 30-Year Net Return for Graduates is the same figure, assuming a 100 percent graduation rate. Annualized Net ROI is based on the ratio of the earnings gain from a college degree to the cost of the degree; it takes into account the school's graduation rate and includes wage inflation of 4.3 percent per year. ROI data and total cost supplied by PayScale. Annual tuition and fees, average financial aid package, applicants admitted, and most popular majors supplied by the College Board. For the complete ranking and a more detailed description of the methodology, check out our interactive table.

Data: PayScale, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, College Board

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