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Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Renting your Roof to Solar Investers

Yeh saw this today. Only problem is you do not get the Feed Tariff
money from the government. So it basically
giving the company you roof to put there panels onto. They then get
the money from the government and you benefit from saving on
electricity which is not be a lot.

I refer to pay for the panels and then for example for a £10k system
you will get a return of £700 from the government and you will get to
use all the electricity in your house and if you do not then it feeds
it back to supply and you get 3p/kwh extra on top of the 41.3p/kwh
(i.e. £700/year). So you spend £10k and you get at least £1000 a year
from the money you save on the electricity and the £700.

The £700 is guaranteed and index linked (i.e. increase with inflation)
for 25 years. So you will end up with about £25,000 which is all tax
free and will probably be more if inflation increase (which it will).
Also note that the cost of electricity form the supplier will also
increase over time and so you will be saving even more as you will be
using the electricity your solar panels generates.

I am taking money out of my ISA's and putting about £15k into a 3kw
solar panel system which I am going to install on my roof. This will
result in about £1050/year from the government and also save me about
£500/ year
on my electricity bill which is currently about £1000/year.

So for my investment of £15k
I get £1050 + £500 + £45(3p extra for feeding back to the grid) = £1595
Break even in about 9.4 year will be quicker due to inflation and also
price of electricity from supplier will go up so I will save more.

Over 25 years = £39,875 total payback tax free.

So my return is 10.6% a year on my investment compared to my 2.75% on my isa.

The icing on the cake is that adding solar panels on you house added
about 5% value to your house.
So even if you sell it you can add this value onto it.

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