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Friday, 31 December 2010

The UK feed-in tariff: anticipation is met with disappointment - PV-Tech

The UK feed-in tariff: anticipation is met with disappointment - PV-Tech

  • Posted in Blogs by Emma Hughes

  • Published on 11 November 2009

  • Updated on 13 April 2010

The UK feed-in tariff: anticipation is met with disappointment - PV-Tech

Since the feed-in tariff policy has been deliberated by the UK government for three months now, it seems odd that we haven't heard a peep from them on what the policy will be. As I dug a bit further into this subject I found that it I wasn't alone in not knowing what was going on. After being thrown from person to person at the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change, I finally found someone who knew what a feed-in tariff was, and I was able to get some, although rather vague, answers.

Considering the UK is so far behind its European neighbours in the race for renewable energy implementation, the Department of Energy and Climate Change consultation's results have been much anticipated. Speaking with a DECC spokesperson I delved a little deeper into the mystery of why nothing is yet set in stone. Back in July this year PV-tech commented on this proposal's flimsiness in terms of what these plans actually meant for  the UK's renewable future. We thought it was important to outline that there was a proposal, but also to make note of the fact that any aspect of it could change at any point. One thing we now know for sure is that there will be a renewable energy structure and this will be implemented in April 2010.

This however, is all we know.

When speaking with the DECC it became more and more clear that the UK's plans for this policy are still very much up in the air. The first thing I asked was whether or not anything has actually come out of the consultation period. "We have had a large number of responses to the consultation paper, around 800 of these coming thorough in the last days before it closed," they explained.  "These responses outlined several alternatives to the proposals, some of them showing a common theme, others a unique response...we are now spending time going through these responses."


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