With solar energy, air pollution is reduced as there are no fumes that are emitted while working with solar energy. Moreover, solar energy is available for free; where you only have to pay for the solar energy system, its installation and wiring.
The wiring of a home that is to run on solar electric power has to be done by a skilled person, and with care to ensure that electric devices and appliances in the solar powered home are used safely.
However if you intend to plan or design a solar home, it is better to do so after understanding the process of getting solar power from the solar cells and panels to the outlets and appliances found in your house.
Though homes with solar power and homes with fossil fuel generated power sources use 120 volt alternating current, there are differences in the wiring and additional equipment that is usually used in the expensive electric power grid.
Though you will have to pay some initial expenditure for installing your solar energy power system, this investment pays for itself over a period of years where you in fact, end up saving money you would have spent paying for the costs of increasing traditional power rates.
It is important to insulate your home well when planning a solar home. Buy windows that are not only well sealed, but also double paned. They have to be installed so that there is no seepage of drafts around the window frames and door jams. You also have to be specific about attic and ceiling insulation as the less the amount of heat and cool air that is lost to the outside, the les is the energy required to replace comfort controlled air. With this, there is less demand made on your solar electric power system.
Your solar power generator needs a battery meter and a start-stop switch. You need more electric outlets here than in a non-solar home so that task areas are lighted and not entire rooms. Place a few low voltage outlets to save money in devices using little energy like telephone answering machine, fan and others.
Don’t forget to place a few electric outlets outside so that the solar electric power system can be used for powering tools and for any outside activities. Remember that you get lots of extra free power in summer where you can think of using an electric lawn mower or fountain pump. You could also consider providing lighting for a shed or garage for power tools and emergency battery charger to start your car with.
You could also install special 12 volt DC motion sensor lights at the entrance of your home so that it lights up even if the inverter is in idle mode. Remember that solar powered homed don’t allow for 220 volt AC appliances operating from 240 volt AC section of wiring.
If you need such appliances, you will have to depend on traditional power to use them. However it is better to buy appliances using 120 volt models as most equipment are available this way. With this, you will be able to use all your equipment with solar power in your solar power home and thus save lots of money in the fuel costs of your home.
See this Amp at http://bit.ly/9cmTmP
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