Biography | Topic: Bringing Solar to the UK James Beal
Renewable Energy Specialist,
UK Trade & Investment
|  |

Biography |
Topic: TBC
Stuart Brannigan
Managing Director,
Yingli Green Energy Europe GmbH

| Topic: Integrating solar PV into the built environment Dr Daniel Davies
Chief Technology Officer,
Solarcentury |  |

Biography |
Topic: Practical Applications of PV in the UK Kerry Burns
General Manager, Solarsense

Biography |
Topic: Photovoltaic materials and devices: current status and applications
Dr Michael Walls, BSc PhD MIMM C.Phys C.Eng FInstP
Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology (CREST), Loughborough University
Topic: Concentrating Photovoltaic Systems Dr Roger Bentley,
Whitfield Solar
Topic: Building with PV Hamish Watson
CEO, Polysolar Ltd
Topic: Light Tuning For Solar Cells Dr Daniel R. Johnson FRSC, C.Chem, MInstP. C.Phys, FRMS, MIMMM, MBA.
Technology Manager, Intrinsiq Materials Ltd.

Biography |
Topic: Energy Management Control
Marc Stanton
Director, Clean Power Solutions

Biography |
Topic: Trends in UK PV industry Harish Dabasia
CEO, Act On Solar Power
 | Topic: Reducing the risk in photovoltaic systems by means of type testing Peter Khoury
CEO, IPSOL Energy Ltd |  |

Biography | Dr Ralph Gottschalg Dipl.-Phys, MSc, PhD, CPhys, FHEA, MInsP
Loughborough University |  |

Biography | Topic: Financing trends and models in solar PV David Kipling FCA
Clean Earth Capital |  |
 | Topic: PV Standards Martin Zennig,
SEMI Europe PV Automation Standards Technical Committee |  |

Biography | Topic: TBA Power-One Renewable Energy Solutions |  |
 | Topic: TBA Finlay Colville
Senior Analyst,
Solarbuzz |  |
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