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Thursday, 24 November 2011

Archimedes hydro screw industry gets Royal endorsement

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Archimedes screw pumps turbines and generators gets Royal Approval

 Archimedes hydro screw industry gets Royal endorsement

Windsor castle announced to the BBC News that two Archimedes screw generators are going to provide the Queens residence its own Hydroelectricity . Making it the first royal palace to adopted the Government Feed In Tariffs (FITs) that pays individuals to generate Renewable Energy.

Since the introduction of feed in tariffs FITs In March 2010 for Hydro Power: the Hydro Energy and especially the Hydro Screw has had a much needed BOOM.

Further BOOST has been received  from some high profile Archimedes screwinstallations, like the installation of two Archimedean screw turbines being installed at the QUEEN’S  favorite residence at Windsor castle, and the completion of the Tees barrage  world’s first combined screw pumps and screw generators at one of the 2012 London Olympic venues.

The Archimedes screw turbine industry Is dominated by manufacturers based in Holland and Germany; however, there are twice as many manufactures ofArchimedes screw pumps that are used in the waste water and Sewage industry through out the world. These same companies are dominating the screw generator industry or working towards converting their screw pumps in to screw turbines, as it happens, the turbine is just the reverse of the Archimedean screw pump.

With all this buzz and competition, gradually some new and exciting new hydrodynamic screw products and new manufactures have joined the race, and some with

Innovative and exciting ideas that will change the hydro screw industry


  • Plastic and composite material Archimedes screws are the new comers

  • In the industry that uses reinforced plastic body and a steel trough tube or shaft. The advantages are that it is rust proof  and light but cost more then the traditional steel Archimedean screws with limited range of up to 10 KW

  • There is one UK Company that has come up with

  • A revolutionary flat pack Archimedes screw system that is up to 70 % cheaper

  • Than the cost of a traditional Archimedes Generator. Their hydro screw generator is designed and specified in UK but the components are sourced from the emerging economies throughout the world and assembled on site.

  • Strategic sourcing, flat pack transportation and low profit margins are the main contributing factors in the cost reduction

  • And these machines are huge, bulky and heavy says Bob the managing director of Pump and Generator.

Pump and Generator are selling their 50 KWatt system for as little as £29,777.00.

Due to huge demand and high volume of calls, they are only excepting email enquiries, to contact them click here.

Archimedes screw pumps turbines and generators gets Royal Approval


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