The first hydro-power plant to open in the Sky Valley and the state in almost 20 years
Read more at dabasiah.posterous.comThe first hydro-power plant to open in the Sky Valley and the state in almost 20 years
(SULTAN, WA) — It’s been a long time coming but the county has a new source of electrical power. Monday the Snohomish County Public Utility District (PUD) opened the
first new hydroelectric project here in the Sky Valley – and indeed anywhere in Washington State – in nearly 20 years.
The Youngs Creek facility, located south of Sultan, fired up to start generating some
7.5 megawatts of electricity or enough power, on average, to supply about 2,000 homes with their power needs.
“We’re committed to operating this facility and other hydropower projects in a way that protects our natural environment while serving the community’s needs for high quality water and energy,”
said PUD Board of Commissioners President Dave Aldrich in a statement. “We’re focused on operating our projects to keep energy competitively priced in balance with fish, wildlife, recreational and cultural resources.”
The Youngs Creek Project – and other small footprint hydro-power projects
on the books – gives the PUD greater flexibility with its power supply as the power produced is locally generated and is a reliable resource that provides energy at times of the year when it’s needed the most.
It’s also competitively priced compared to other green energy sources.
The PUD’s Youngs Creek Project and other small hydropower sites are located outside of sensitive areas, such as designated wilderness lands.
These “backyard resources” also reduce the need for hundreds of miles of new transmission line, minimizing both line losses and environmental impacts.
Wide angle view:
~ Generating capacity of 7.5 megawatts, enough for about 2,000 homes.
~ Project cost – $29 million.
~ Infrastructure: Three-mile underground pipeline drops 920 feet in elevation from intake to powerhouse. Underground/overhead transmission lines connect to Sultan substation.~ Youngs Creek Project located above a natural barrier, a waterfall, so as not to impact migrating fish such as salmon. There are resident trout in upper reaches of the creek, but they are already isolated due to the falls and other conditions.
~ Numerous government agencies as well as the Tulalip Tribes provided input during the development of the PUD’s Youngs Creek Project.
The Youngs Creek facility debut comes at a time when the PUD is in the early stages of exploring the creation of yet another new, small-footprint power generating facility along the Skykomish River at Index, Washington.
A recent letter was sent to residents in and around Index advising that on September 28 the PUD filed an application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for a preliminary permit for the proposed Sunset Falls Hydroelectric Project (Project) near Index.
“A preliminary permit would allow the District to formally study the potential Project, and have priority for filing an application for license if the Project is determined feasible,” said Kim D. Moore, Assistant General Manager of Generation, Water and Corporate Services for the PUD in the letter.
To that end the PUD staff has scheduled two meetings this month at which they would like to hear from and talk with surrounding land owners near Sunset Falls and Canyon Fails to review the project and solicit feedback regarding it.
There are two opportunities to hear about the hydro project and talk with PUD staffers:
More on that story is here
For decades, the bulk of the PUD’s energy has come from clean, renewable hydroelectric power which is low in cost and a reliable source of energy. Most of this energy is purchased from Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), which markets wholesale power generated in the Columbia River Basin.
In addition, three PUD-operated hydropower plants are located in Snohomish County:
_The Jackson Hydropower Project, north of Sultan
_The Woods Creek Project, north of Monroe
_And the newly-opened Youngs Creek Project, south of Sultan.
Between the PUD’s projects and BPA energy, about 80 percent of the PUD’s energy now comes from hydropower.
If you have a news tip, community event, comment, news release, letter to the editor or Op-Ed piece to share in the first and only daily newspaper in the Sky Valley/East Snohomish County area please shoot it to us at the contact points shown below.
The first hydro-power plant to open in the Sky Valley and the state in almost 20 years
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