Google Analytics

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Do Blog Networks Really Work?

Every now and then you’ve probably come across the concept of syndicating your content onto a blog network. There are many of them out there, (we have a blogging network here, for instance) some for commercial purposes, but many more of a private nature. Many of the uber-successful internet marketers have their own networks they have been nurturing for years, and they are able to use them to point serious link juice to any property they wish. Let’s take a closer look at how they work.

Blog networks server several purposes. First they are a source of incoming links to your blog, usually using anchor text links with your keywords. This can be a big benefit for several reasons. The links are in the body text, not is a linkroll or sidebar, and thus prized more by Google. They are focused on your keywords, which will help you in ranking for that keyword phrase, and they are far more likely to be read and found when in the body of the article than if they were sequestered on a sidebar somewhere.

Other reasons include the direct traffic you receive, (while not usually a lot, having your content on a lot of them can make a difference) and the realtionships and conversations that may involve you and even make their way onto your blog.

Many blog networks are little more than link farms, and those should be avoided. Google will eventually find them out, and kill their effectiveness. The primary giveaway is the quality of the content and the spammy nature of not only the blogs themselves, but the links and the sites they link to.

The best blog networks do work very well, and the reason they do is that they are selective about the types of sites and content they allow in, and enforce strict rules about this. They have been around a while, have page rank of their own, and are able to pass this on.

If you are thinking of utilizing either a public or private blog network, aim high as far as quality goes, and you may be well rewarded down the road!


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