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Sunday, 17 October 2010

How to Build Your Network Marketing Muscle

10 Steps to build your marketing muscles.

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How to Build Your Network Marketing Muscle

Just as exercise builds your body’s muscles, you can also build your network marketing muscles. And just like your body’s muscles, exercising your network marketing muscles has benefits.

With that in mind, here are 10 steps for building your marketing muscle:

1. Your network marketing campaigns need to play to your strengths. For example, if you hate cold calling, don’t do it. List the activities you already enjoy—public speaking, writing, talking in person or on the phone—and build your marketing tactics around these strengths.

2. Make sure that your plans fit your budget. If you want to use written appeals but you aren’t a strong writer, your budget will need to allow for a writer or writing service. The same is true of Web design and other aspects of your marketing needs.

3. Mix up offline and online strategies in your network marketing plans. Strategically placing print, radio, or cable TV ads can drive traffic to your Web site. More targeted outlets equal more success for your business.

4. Speaking of the Internet, make sure that your network marketing campaign is made up of the right online elements for your business and lifestyle. For instance, you need to decide whether or not to sell your product online or to include a blog on your site when drawing up your plans.

5. Build your team. Concentrate on recruiting and on supporting the team you have. Make sure that your network marketing campaign works for all of you.

6. Along with #5, remember that network marketing is a relationship business, and the key to successful relationships is trust. Be sure that your marketing campaign builds trust in your team by being open about expectations, answering questions, and sharing your expertise.

7. Entrepreneurs wake up every morning looking forward to challenge and growth. Your business should offer a challenge to prospects and team members alike. To attract them, make sure that your business is built around an inspiring message.

8. Your marketing content should be valuable, not “just” sales and recruiting. In its December 16, 2009 issue, Adweek focused on marketing to women; however, the advice found there applies to your network marketing to everyone. Forums where users can review products and related content that don’t directly feature your products or services are good examples of things to include in your marketing campaign.

9. Include sharing opportunities in your network marketing strategy. Again referring the Adweek article, people love to pass on a good deal or a great new product to their friends. You should include easy ways to share your content with friends. According to Adweek, referrals “convert at four to five times the rate of visitors arriving via clicks on paid ads,” meaning more success for your business.

10. Social networking sites are a valuable tool in your marketing kit. When you reach multiple audiences, you have more opportunities to direct people where you want them—to you.

These 10 steps make it clear that your network marketing muscles have a lot in common with your body’s muscles. Just like your body, your marketing muscles need to be exercised consistently and in a variety of ways in order to perform well. And just like your body, the more you exercise your network marketing muscles, the more effective they will become. Have fun and success building your network marketing “body!”


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