Google Analytics

Sunday, 24 October 2010


Two Linking Issues: Link Profiles and Link Velocity

Here are two items in regard to linking that you may not have given thought to, but perhaps should. Link Profiles and link velocity. So just what the heck are they?

A link profile is what your links look like when examined more closely. (As a search engine is apt to do!) If you have only one type of link, say hundreds or thousands of blog comments, and little to no other links from any other type of site, such as blogs, Web 2.0 sites, videos, web directories, article directories, social bookmarks and social networking sites, then it can reasonably be assumed that they were not acquired naturally, and you may find yourself penalized. Strive to acquire a mix of the aforementioned types of links, and do it over time, consistently.

Which brings us to the next term, link velocity, which is the rate at which you get incoming links to your site. Having a large influx of links, such as when you have a blog post or video go viral, will not usually be a problem, but when you have a pattern of getting a few thousand links in a day or two, and then no other activity for weeks or months, and then another spurt, it does not appear as if you are being linked to naturally. (And you very likely aren’t!)

The bottom line is to be consistent not only in your posting on your blog, but also in your link building and promotion. Build it slow or fast, but build it consistently, and everyone wins!


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