A New Media for small Businesses to Market them selfs at Zero Budget
Amplify’d from www.cherylcreaser.com
10 Reasons to Use Social Media
There are dozens of reason why but we’ll keep it to the top ten. These are:
- You will find whomever you want to do business with somewhere online
- You will find whatever knowledge you need about any market or any person online
- You can reach your market by simply engaging in the right conversations with the right people. This is more effective than advertising.
- If your business can’t be found, isn’t engaging with the market or worse yet ignoring the market you are not likely to be creating transactional opportunities while your competition does.
- Communications is a system to leverage your organizations ability to communicate with your market. Social media is the new communications system.
- Social media saves time and money if you use it right for the right things
- If you learn “how” to use social media correctly then you’ll understand “what” your market is looking for and “where” they are looking. You’d want them to look for you.
- “When” your customers and prospects are engaging about you, your industry or your products and services you need to be there listening. Otherwise how will you gain the necessary market intelligence, be enabled to respond or even be aware of problems or needs. If you are not present when and where the conversations are occurring you are basically out of touch with your market.
- Communications is about reach. Communicating is about relational dynamics between people. Social media provides the means to effectively communicate with your market. However communicating in human rather than institutional terms.
Read more at www.cherylcreaser.com
- If you are not communicating (listening first, initiating second) then how in the world do you expect to create relationship with people and businesses that may want the value you offer?
See this Amp at http://amplify.com/u/blrl
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