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Sunday, 3 October 2010

UK fails to hit the top 25 for web speeds

Lagging behind Ireland in the speed stakes

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UK fails to hit the top 25 for web speeds

Lagging behind Ireland in the speed stakes


Internet in the UK - still not in the top 25

The UK's web speeds have been put under the online microscope and the results make for cringe-worthy reading.

Despite the government promising to get web speeds up to a 2Mbps canter by 2012, we are currently lagging behind the likes of the USA, the Netherlands and Ireland.

Number one in Europe for web speeds is Switzerland, with the city of Lausanne clocking up a massive 24Mbps for an average speed. The rest of Switzerland rates significantly below this, however, at 5Mbps.

Speed demon

At least we are far from the least in Europe. The likes of Spain, France and Italy are lagging behind us, with all three failing to match the UK's average speed of 3.4Mbps.

It's interesting that the government has set the minimum bar for web speeds in the UK at 2Mbps, as currently 73 per cent of the UK is reaching this speed according to the statistics from traffic management firm Akamai.

So, who's number one with a bullet when it comes to internet speeds? It's South Korea, of course, whose lightning-fast infrastructure means it regularly pipes out speeds of 14.5Mbps. We can but dream.

Via Yahoo


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