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Saturday, 2 October 2010

Why Automation Tools for Social Media?

Posting status updates, maintaining the messages in the profile, and building your audience all take up precious time.

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Automation Tools for Social Media

Managing a social media marketing campaign across multiple platforms can be a monumental task. Posting status updates, maintaining the messages in the profile, and building your audience all take up precious time.

In this short article, I’m going to reveal to you some incredible tools to help you automate a big portion of your social media marketing.

This tool is simply amazing. is an aggregation site that has 40 networks including Twitter, Facebook, and Linked In.

All you have to do is set up an account at and enter your account information for each social media profile you want to update.

There is a simple message box on your dashboard where you can enter your message and hit the Ping It button. This will instantly send out the content to all the profiles you have entered.


This is an excellent plugin for a wordpress blog. It allows you to link your blog content to several sources, including

All you have to do is enter your content into your blog and post it like you normally would and the plugin creates a snippet of your content with a short url linking back to your blog post.

It then distributes the content instantly to all your profiles!

SocialOomph is a software program specifically for Twitter. The most important automation features that it has are tweet scheduling and DM inbox deletion.

With tweet scheduling you can go in once and create a whole bunch of tweets, then set them to distribute over a period of time so you don’t have to continuously be creating tweets.

When you start building a following on Twitter, you will get a ton of direct messages (DM). It is very time consuming to manually remove them, which is why the DM deletion feature of SocialOomph is really nice.

Audience building

As far as building your audience is concerned, there are several software programs that can automate the process for you on Twitter that are pretty good.

However, I have yet to find any that work for other networks like Facebook and Linked In. Building your audience is the most crucial part of social media marketing so I prefer to have a human doing this anyway.

A software program simply cannot interact with people and be selective in choosing prospects that fit the businesses’ target client profile.

While these tools will certainly make your new media marketing life easier if you utilize them properly, there is still a learning curve involved with them, as well as the time involved in using them.

Your time is valuable and should be spent making sales…not setting up profiles and posting status updates. Having a social media marketing manager to utilize these tools on your behalf is an invaluable asset.


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